Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Really Nothing to Say Today

Just an update on what is happening here lately.

It is the rainy season, and insanely humid almost every day. Have been coming to work every day this week, but have done very little as it is a slow day that sees many of the students off doing club activities (Tuesday thru Thursday), so many classes have been canceled. It makes for a quite boring day as I have to fill 7 hours of time "looking busy."

The only other excitment of the week was that I got my very own Hanko this week. For those that are not Japanese, a Hanko is essentially a stamp with your name on it in some way that is used for signing government or official documents (e.g. bank and insurance forms). Traditionally these are made of wood with a carved end with a name, but the more modern ones are done in plastic or similar material. Mine is imprinted with my first name, Chris, in Japanese (using the Katakana symbols that are reserved for foreign words). Written out it looks like: クリス. There was not enough room for my last name (more typical of Hankos). To place your Hanko on a document, you first dap the imprinted end onto an ink pad and then place the stamp in the desired location on the form. I got this because I had to open a new bank account this week and they only will open the account if it is signed using a Hanko. Will update later with a photo of the Hanko and the stamp it leaves behind.

That is all.

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