Thursday, June 10, 2010

The First Post - Venting

I have been guilty of a few things in the past. I have not performed occasional tasks asked of me (and got paid for them anyway), i have taken things I was not supposed to, and I even committed a little bit of vandalism. This was all in my youth. The most recent thing I have been guilty of, and it is not quite so illegal as those past, is simply not read a contract. I signed a contract to begin a new job and after a few months, I was offered a new job with a different company. Upon trying to quit the first job to begin the second, I was told that as per my contract, my employer could decide whether or not to accept my resignation and allow me to change companies. It turns out that they did not accept my resignation so I am still at job number 1. The threat was that if I did not finish the contract, I could be taken to court to get back the funds that would normally be paid to me for the remainder of the contract (a sum around 2 million yen). If I wanted to do that, they would happily let me out of my contract. Since I am a poor individual with a wife and one income, I was literally forced to take door number 1 and remain in my post. (I might add at this point that I am not unhappy with my current position, I am unhappy with my current employer)

The silver lining to all of this is that company number 2 has allowed me to sign with them on a part-time basis, so I can still get some income from them especially during August when there is no work scheduled.

I do not like this attempt by company number 1 to stop me, but I have to live with the decision, unless I can get some direction from the Labour Board here in Japan.

Still, I will do my best in this position and enjoy my time here, no matter how long that turns out to be.

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