Saturday, June 12, 2010

Of Earthquakes and Time Zones

I seem to pick the wrong place to live in at the times of some important world sporting events. In 2004, the Olympics were in Athens, and I was in Japan, a difference of 6 hours. In 2006, the Winter Olmpics were in Turin, Italy and I was in Canada, a difference of 6 hours again. In 2008, I was in Canada again for another Olympics, but this time they were in Beijing, a difference of 12 hours. Then when the 2010 Winter Olmpics were held in my own country, I was living in Japan at a mere 17 hours difference. The last bad time to happen to me is this summer's World Cup in South Africa. The time difference is 7 hours behind Japan time so I had to get up at 3:30am this morning to watch the England-USA match (was disappointed with the result too). I never can seem to be in the right place at the right time.....

This afternoon just after my lunch, around 12:30pm local time, we experienced an earthquake. The centre of the quake was farther north than where I live, but we definately felt the apartment shake. I am not sure whether to enjoy these or fear them. It is still a novelty for me to go through one. They kind of feel interesting as everything shakes a bit. That is until you realize that the ground is shaking and it could be the big one that everyone seems to agree is late to come in this area. That would be scary.

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